Batch Normalization has Multiple Benefits: An Empirical Study on Residual NetworksDownload PDF

25 Sept 2019 (modified: 05 May 2023)ICLR 2020 Conference Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
TL;DR: The multiple benefits of batch normalization can only be understood if one experiments at a range of batch sizes
Abstract: Many state of the art models rely on two architectural innovations; skip connections and batch normalization. However batch normalization has a number of limitations. It breaks the independence between training examples within a batch, performs poorly when the batch size is too small, and significantly increases the cost of computing a parameter update in some models. This work identifies two practical benefits of batch normalization. First, it improves the final test accuracy. Second, it enables efficient training with larger batches and larger learning rates. However we demonstrate that the increase in the largest stable learning rate does not explain why the final test accuracy is increased under a finite epoch budget. Furthermore, we show that the gap in test accuracy between residual networks with and without batch normalization can be dramatically reduced by improving the initialization scheme. We introduce “ZeroInit”, which trains a 1000 layer deep Wide-ResNet without normalization to 94.3% test accuracy on CIFAR-10 in 200 epochs at batch size 64. This initialization scheme outperforms batch normalization when the batch size is very small, and is competitive with batch normalization for batch sizes that are not too large. We also show that ZeroInit matches the validation accuracy of batch normalization when training ResNet-50-V2 on ImageNet at batch size 1024.
Keywords: batch normalization, residual networks, initialization, batch size, learning rate, ImageNet
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