Web Service for Semantic Negotiation of Smart ContractsDownload PDF

02 Jun 2018 (modified: 05 May 2023)ISWC 2018 DeSemWeb SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Abstract: Distributed ledger platforms based on Blockchains provide a mechanism to store and compute distributed data in a secure way. These platforms can be useful in domains (e.g. education, healthcare) where data integrity is critical. A smart contract refers to the piece of code (i.e. functions) and data (i.e. state) on the blockchain that is automatically executed when specific conditions are met. However, querying and indexing smart contracts remains a challenging task. To address this issue, we propose a solution that uses a RESTful semantic web service for indexing, browsing and execution of smart contracts on Ethereum Blockchain platform. We have extended Minimal Service Model (MSM) to support semantic negotiation of smart contracts on web. Using Linked Data in combination with smart contracts ensures integrity and discoverability of data computations in distributed applications.
TL;DR: a RESTful semantic web service for indexing, browsing and execution of smart contracts on Ethereum Blockchain platform.
Keywords: Semantic Web, Blockchains, Linked Data, Semantic Negotiation
Submission Category: Decentralized Application
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