RATM: Recurrent Attentive Tracking ModelDownload PDF

01 Sept 2024 (modified: 12 Apr 2017)CVPR 2017 BNMW SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Paper Length: 8 page
Abstract: We present an attention-based modular neural framework for computer vision. The framework uses a soft attention mechanism allowing models to be trained with gradient descent. It consists of three modules: a recurrent attention module controlling where to look in an image or video frame, a feature-extraction module providing a representation of what is seen, and an objective module formalizing why the model learns its attentive behavior. The attention module allows the model to focus computation on task-related information in the input. We apply the framework to several object tracking tasks and explore various design choices. We experiment with three data sets, bouncing ball, moving digits and the real-world KTH data set. The proposed RATM performs well on all three tasks and can generalize to related but previously unseen sequences from a challenging tracking data set.
Conflicts: ubisoft.com, polymtl.ca, microsoft.com, umontreal.ca, twentybn.com, uni-frankfurt.de, utoronto.ca
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