Transfer Learning with Causal Counterfactual Reasoning in Decision TransformersDownload PDF


28 Feb 2022 (modified: 29 Aug 2024)Submitted to ICLR2022 OSC Readers: Everyone
Keywords: causality, offline reinforcement learning, transfer learning, counterfactuals, decision transformers
Abstract: The ability to adapt to changes in environmental contingencies is an important challenge in reinforcement learning. Indeed, transferring previously acquired knowledge to environments with unseen structural properties can greatly enhance the flexibility and efficiency by which novel optimal policies may be constructed. In this work, we study the problem of transfer learning under changes in the environment dynamics. In this study, we apply causal reasoning in the offline reinforcement learning setting to transfer a learned policy to new environments. Specifically, we use the Decision Transformer (DT) architecture to distill a new policy on the new environment. The DT is trained on data collected by performing policy rollouts on factual and counterfactual simulations from the source environment. We show that this mechanism can bootstrap a successful policy on the target environment while retaining most of the reward.
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