Bias Amplification in Language Model Evolution: An Iterated Learning Perspective

Published: 25 Sept 2024, Last Modified: 06 Nov 2024NeurIPS 2024 posterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Keywords: Large Language Model, LLM Agent, Self-improvement, Cognitive Science, Bayesian, Iterated Learning
TL;DR: As LLMs undergo self-evolution, it is imperative for us to deepen our understanding of this process.
Abstract: With the widespread adoption of Large Language Models (LLMs), the prevalence of iterative interactions among these models is anticipated to increase. Notably, recent advancements in multi-round on-policy self-improving methods allow LLMs to generate new examples for training subsequent models. At the same time, multi-agent LLM systems, involving automated interactions among agents, are also increasing in prominence. Thus, in both short and long terms, LLMs may actively engage in an evolutionary process. We draw parallels between the behavior of LLMs and the evolution of human culture, as the latter has been extensively studied by cognitive scientists for decades. Our approach involves leveraging Iterated Learning (IL), a Bayesian framework that elucidates how subtle biases are magnified during human cultural evolution, to explain some behaviors of LLMs. This paper outlines key characteristics of agents' behavior in the Bayesian-IL framework, including predictions that are supported by experimental verification with various LLMs. This theoretical framework could help to more effectively predict and guide the evolution of LLMs in desired directions.
Primary Area: Natural language processing
Submission Number: 3150