A Library of Queries and Reports - introducing the Vitro Query Tool

Published: 05 Jun 2019, Last Modified: 05 May 2023VIVO 2019Readers: Everyone
Keywords: SPARQL, reporting
TL;DR: Storing a library of queries for users to run and schedule, that are also made available as API endpoints.
Abstract: The rich semantic data captured in a VIVO instance (or any other application built on a Vitro core) presents a fantastic opportunity to surface knowledge about connected resources. However, the query interfaces within VIVO (or Vitro) are quite limited - other than a full text search, information is presented only in ways that have been baked into the UI. A SPARQL endpoint can be enabled for richer semantic queries, but this comes at a cost - the user needs to understand, or have access to a library of pre-written SPARQL queries, you can't combine queries (a SELECT over a CONSTRUCTed source), and there is a risk of badly written SPARQL queries having an impact on the system performance. With the Vitro Query Tool, we build upon the work of Cornell, using their DataDistributor as an API for storing and running a library of queries. To make this more accessible, we initially created a user interface allowing authorised users the ability to view and create queries using the DataDistributor building blocks, before extending this with the ability to schedule the execution of queries and distribute the results (e.g. via email). In utilising the existing DataDistributor, not only do we provide a means of creating a library of queries and reports for users to execute or receive, but it also allows the data to be exposed via API endpoints that can be ingested by other applications or used by visualisations within the application.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8530-8917
Submission Type: presentation proposal
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