Making VIVO vivid - Embedding social media content in VIVO@UOS
Keywords: Social Media Content, YouTube, Template Design
TL;DR: The paper describes how VIVO research information system can benefit from social media content.
Abstract: VIVO at Osnabrück University is used to present scholarly activity especially third-party funded research projects to the interested public to improve transparency in research funding. In the early stage of development, the VIVO content was limited to research project key facts (e.g. abstract, related/selected publications, external project links, keywords) mainly extracted from the operational finance systems that is not intended to be used for presentation purposes. As VIVO strengths lay in searching, browsing and visualizing scholar activity for the wider public, the searchable content should not be limited to complex academic language as it is used in project abstracts or publications, a nonacademic person would not search for.
Science goes Public - For more than 10 years the event series “Osnabrück Knowledge Forum” tries to make research more accessible. Every year, public is called upon to challenge Osnabrück University Professors by sending questions about any kinds of science topics to be answered within 4 minutes lightning talks in a precise, clear and entertaining way in front of the interested public. This »evening of knowledge» and its findings are showcased in a variety of media such as film sequences on YouTube or as an image brochure for University guests (PDF). All these formats do not connect content to researchers as VIVO connects researchers, projects or organizations with each other.
In this presentation, we will show how social media content could be used to enrich research projects, researcher profils and research topics to make VIVO (even more) vivid!
Submission Type: presentation proposal
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