Abstract: In recent years, many deep architectures have been proposed in different fields. However, to obtain good results, most of the previous deep models need a large number of training data. In this paper, for small and middle scale applications, we
propose a novel deep learning framework based on stacked feature learning models. Particularly, we stack marginal Fisher analysis (MFA) layer by layer for the initialization of the deep architecture and call it “Marginal Deep Architectures” (MDA). In the implementation of MDA, the weight matrices of MFA are first learned layer by layer, and then we exploit some deep learning techniques, such as back propagation, dropout and denoising to fine tune the network. To evaluate the effectiveness of MDA, we have compared it with some feature learning methods and deep learning models on 7 small and middle scale real-world applications, including handwritten digits recognition, speech recognition, historical document understanding, image classification, action recognition and so on. Extensive experiments demonstrate that MDA performs not only better than shallow feature learning models, but also state-of-the-art deep learning models in these applications.
Conflicts: ouc.edu.cn
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