Encounters between the worlds of visual arts, easy language and AI

University of Eastern Finland DRDHum 2024 Conference Submission23 Authors

Published: 03 Jun 2024, Last Modified: 03 Jun 2024DRDHum 2024 withRevisionsEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: AI, audio-description, easy language, image, visual art, conversation analysis
TL;DR: Poster presentation
Abstract: Artificial intelligence produces images, but how does it recognize and interpret them? In my poster, I examine the encounters between the worlds of visual arts, easy language and artificial intelligence. How artificial intelligence can assist in producing text material, for different contexts. One context examined is audio description, a process of linguistic description of visual information in visual works for example for the visually impaired. The dataset consists of different artistic images that pose different challenges to both audio-desciption and interpretation. AI uses neural networks to identify elements in a work of art. It then uses these elements to describe the image linguistically. How does AI recognize semi-abstract paintings? Compositions, shapes, rhythm? Atmosphere? Light and shadow? Can a line represent hay or water? Thus, I am also interested in how AI is able to identify and interpret not only the visible but also the interpretive elements of the image. The generative language model, which is capable of discussion, creates new content based on the prompts. Especially in this context, as the paintings are not unambiguously representational, the connotations offered to AI are important. In the poster, I present visual material and related conversations with AI. The focus is in the conversational processes along with the prompts while asking: is CA approach succesful? Also, theoretical approaches to visual analysis, for example including levels of denotative and connotative levels are discussed. Moreover, AI’s ability to produce easy-to-read text is examined in those settings.
Submission Number: 23