MRBicopter:Modular Reconfigurable Transverse Tilt-rotor Bicopter System

31 Jul 2024 (modified: 27 Sept 2024)IEEE ICIST 2024 Conference SubmissionEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
TL;DR: This paper introduces a modular drone that enables structural reconstruction. In this study, simulation experiments and ground experiments verified the feasibility of the scheme under ambient wind interference.
Abstract: This paper introduces a modular UAV(MRBicopter) that can realize structural combination reconstruction. Each module contains a rotor tilting structure and an active docking mechanism. By separating and combining submodules, the UAV functions can match the requirements of different flight tasks in real time. First, we designed the mechanical actuator to allow physically connected assembly to fly collaboratively. Secondly, according to different reconstructed structures, we propose two generalized control strategies to realize the independent control of posture through the reassignment of rotor speed and tilt angle.The feasibility of the mechanical design and control method is verified by simulation and ground experiment under ambient wind interference .
Submission Number: 45