Keywords: transformers, chain of thought, reasoning, expressive power, circuit complexity
TL;DR: We characterize the expressive power that chain of thought adds to transformers: transformers with linear chain of thought have additional expressive power compared to normal transformers.
Abstract: Recent theoretical work has identified surprisingly simple reasoning problems, such as checking if two nodes in a graph are connected or simulating finite-state machines, that are provably unsolvable by standard transformers that answer immediately after reading their input. However, in practice, transformers' reasoning can be improved by allowing them to use a "chain of thought" or "scratchpad", i.e., generate and condition on a sequence of intermediate tokens before answering. Motivated by this, we ask: *Does such intermediate generation fundamentally extend the computational power of a decoder-only transformer?* We show that the answer is *yes*, but the amount of increase depends crucially on the amount of intermediate generation. For instance, we find that transformer decoders with a logarithmic number of decoding steps (w.r.t. the input length) push the limits of standard transformers only slightly, while a linear number of decoding steps adds a clear new ability (under standard complexity conjectures): recognizing all regular languages. Our results also imply that linear steps keep transformer decoders within context-sensitive languages, and polynomial steps make them recognize exactly the class of polynomial-time solvable problems---the first exact characterization of a type of transformers in terms of standard complexity classes. Together, our results provide a nuanced framework for understanding how the length of a transformer’s chain of thought or scratchpad impacts its reasoning power.
Submission Number: 64