Edge AI for All: Breaking Down Language and Connectivity Barriers in Rural Africa

07 Jul 2023 (modified: 07 Dec 2023)DeepLearningIndaba 2023 Conference SubmissionEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Keywords: Edge AI, NLP, USSD, IVR, Africa
TL;DR: This paper proposes a USSD/IVR-based Edge AI system to make AI services accessible to illiterate non-English speakers in rural African areas with limited internet penetration
Abstract: This paper explores the development of an innovative Edge AI solution aimed at bridging the technology gap in rural Africa, a region often constrained by language barriers and limited internet connectivity. We propose a system that leverages Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) and Interactive Voice Response (IVR) services, allowing users to engage with advanced AI technologies using simple mobile devices and their local languages. Our demonstration will provide insights into the system's design, its capabilities, the challenges encountered during development, and potential ways to further optimize and expand the system for broader applications and greater impact. We believe our work signifies an important step in using AI to foster social and economic development in resource-constrained settings.
Submission Category: Machine learning algorithms
Submission Number: 18