Invertible Learned Primal-DualDownload PDF

Published: 19 Oct 2021, Last Modified: 05 May 2023NeurIPS 2021 Deep Inverse Workshop PosterReaders: Everyone
Keywords: iterative reconstruction, invertible neural networks, deep learning, inverse problems, computed tomography
TL;DR: We propose an invertible Learned Primal-Dual architecture for 3D reconstruction in computed tomography.
Abstract: We propose invertible Learned Primal-Dual as a method for tomographic image reconstruction. This is a learned iterative method based on the Learned Primal-Dual neural network architecture, which incorporates ideas from invertible neural networks. The invertibility significantly reduces the GPU memory footprint of the Learned Primal-Dual architecture, thus making it applicable to 3D tomographic reconstruction as demonstrated in the experiments.
Conference Poster: pdf
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