28 Sept 2020 (modified: 05 May 2023)ICLR 2021 Conference Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Keywords: Deep learning
Abstract: During the last decade, neural networks have been intensively used to tackle various problems and they have often led to state-of-the-art results. These networks are composed of multiple jointly optimized layers arranged in a hierarchical structure. At each layer, the aim is to learn to extract hidden patterns needed to solve the problem at hand and forward it to the next layers. In the standard form, a neural network is trained with gradient-based optimization, where the errors are back-propagated from the last layer back to the first one. Thus at each optimization step, neurons at a given layer receive feedback from neurons belonging to higher layers of the hierarchy. In this paper, we propose to complement this traditional 'between-layer' feedback with additional 'within-layer' feedback to encourage diversity of the activations within the same layer. To this end, we measure the pairwise similarity between the outputs of the neurons and use it to model the layer's overall diversity. By penalizing similarities and promoting diversity, we encourage each neuron to learn a distinctive representation and, thus, to enrich the data representation learned within the layer and to increase the total capacity of the model. We theoretically study how the within-layer activation diversity affects the generalization performance of a neural network in a supervised context and we prove that increasing the diversity of hidden activations reduces the estimation error. In addition to the theoretical guarantees, we present an empirical study confirming that the proposed approach enhances the performance of neural networks.
Code Of Ethics: I acknowledge that I and all co-authors of this work have read and commit to adhering to the ICLR Code of Ethics
One-sentence Summary: We propose an additional loss for neural network training promoting within-layer neurons' diversity and provide a theoretical analysis of its impact on the generalization error.
Reviewed Version (pdf): https://openreview.net/references/pdf?id=aJk3PzXPmv
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