To develop mobile technology to improve mental health and overall well-being

10 Jul 2023 (modified: 01 Aug 2023)InvestinOpen 2023 OI Fund SubmissionEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Funding Area: Capacity building / Construcción de capacidad
Problem Statement: As per Centers for Disease Control and Prevention research, more than 1 in 5 US adults live with a mental illness; over 1 in 5 youth (ages 13-18), either currently or at some point, have had a serious debilitating mental illness.
Proposed Activities: Breathing Secrets' strength is teaching ancient yogic breathing exercises for all ages without changing daily routines. Humans who are breathing can learn these exercises as per age and their problems at no cost or affordable cost. As a non-profit, without focusing on money, we aim to reach a larger audience through our mobile application and live a better life! With the help of modern technology, we aim to combine science and spirituality to improve people's lives. With technology, we aim to reach a larger audience and serve this ancient treasure and the lost art of correct breathing exercises for all humans to live happy, healthy, and progressive life. We are developing a mobile app for mental health and wellness activities that can be complex and multi-step. Here's a rough outline of the timeline and the expertise and resources required: Planning and Research Phase (2-4 weeks), Design Phase (3-6 weeks), Development Phase (8-12 weeks (can vary depending on the complexity), Testing and Quality Assurance (QA) Phase( 2-4 weeks), Deployment and Release Phase (1-2 weeks), Ongoing Maintenance and Updates (Duration Continuous) Activities: Conduct market research to identify the target audience, competition, unique and compelling content, and user needs, the app's goals, features, and functionality; plan the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design, Publish the app to app stores (Apple App Store, Google Play Store), Regularly update the app to fix bugs, address security concerns, and add new features, Collect and analyze user feedback for future enhancements Expertise required: UX designer: to create wireframes and interactive prototypes. UI designer: to design the visual elements, colors, and typography. Resources: Back-end developer: to build the server-side logic, APIs, and database integration. Design software (e.g., Figma, Sketch, Adobe XD). Front-end developer: to implement the UI and UX design using programming languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. QA tester: to carry out testing procedures and report issues. Development team: to provide ongoing support and updates 4) Resources Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for coding (e.g., Visual Studio Code, Xcode). Programming frameworks and libraries (e.g., React Native, Flutter), Test devices, emulators/simulators for different platforms (iOS, Android), and Developer accounts on respective app stores. We involve mental health professionals and experts in the development process to ensure the content and activities align with best practices and guidelines for mental health and wellness.
Openness: Breathing Secrets' proposed work is for the ancient breathing mobile app that can embody openness in various ways to promote mental health and overall well-being. Outlines like Open Infrastructure supporting the Breathing Secrets app can be designed with open principles involving open-source technologies and frameworks for app development, ensuring that the codebase is accessible and transparent. By leveraging available infrastructure, we can collaborate with developers, researchers, and experts in mental health and contribute enhancements, and customize the app to suit specific needs. Community Engagement is essential to the success and impact of our app. We encourage users to provide feedback, suggestions, and feature requests, which can be incorporated into future app updates. We Organize community health awareness events such as webinars, workshops, and virtual support groups to facilitate learning, connection, and the exchange of knowledge and experiences. We will collaborate with mental health professionals, yoga and meditation instructors, and community organizations to incorporate diverse perspectives, expertise, and resources into the app. We publish research findings, insights, and best practices derived from user data and app usage while ensuring privacy and anonymity. This openness can empower users, experts, and the wider community to contribute to the app's development and practice of mental health and well-being.
Challenges: Breathing Secrets is a newly established nonprofit organization with fewer budget limitations. We have started approaching grants/funds from foundations like yours for our research and development program, but our status is still pending. Carrying out the development work for a Breathing Mobile app, we may face various challenges like Technical Complexity: Developing a mobile app with breathing exercises and meditation features can involve intricate functionalities. We have to ensure a smooth user experience, integrate different sensors and biofeedback mechanisms, and synchronize audio and visual elements can present technical hurdles that must be overcome. User Engagement and Adoption is another challenging work for us. To build a successful breathing app, a collaboration between various professionals, including developers, designers, mental health experts, and yoga/meditation instructors, has been challenging. Handling sensitive user data and ensuring privacy and security can be a significant challenge. Implementing robust data encryption, adhering to data protection regulations, and building user trust by being transparent about data handling practices are crucial aspects of the app's development. Addressing these challenges requires a multidisciplinary approach, effective project management, user-centric design, continuous user feedback, and collaboration with experts in mental health, technology, and user experience.
Neglectedness: As far as I know, several foundations provide funding opportunities for 501(c)3 public charity nonprofit organizations focused on improving mental health and overall well-being, similar to our startup. Since our establishment in March 2023, we have sought funding from various private and government foundations. While our organization's funding approval status is currently pending, we kindly request an opportunity to demonstrate the positive impact we can make in people's lives. We are committed to making a meaningful difference and are eager to showcase our dedication and potential.
Success: We can monitor variables such as breathing rate, depth, and consistency over time through Breathing Secrets App. Progress tracking helps individuals visualize their improvement, set goals, and stay motivated to continue their breathing practice. Digital technology allows us the integration of social features within breathing apps. And our App Users can connect with like-minded individuals, join communities, and share their progress and experiences, which is a sense of support, accountability, and motivation, as users can inspire and learn from each other's journeys. Digital breathing apps can combine ancient breathing teachings with scientific research and evidence. The target could be a minimum user satisfaction rating of 4 out of 5 and positive feedback from at least 80% of app users within a designated time frame for age and problems. Digital technology allows our ancient breathing teachings to reach a wider audience by making them accessible through mobile apps that combine science and spirituality. People can access these apps anytime and anywhere, making incorporating breathing practices into their daily routines convenient. Our App personalization can consider stress, anxiety, depression, energy level, and specific health concerns, providing a customized breathing practice that addresses the user's unique requirements. We aim to serve at least 10,000 people to improve their life by using our App within one year after it is launched.
Total Budget: $23,000.00
Budget File: pdf
Affiliations: Yes, This fund is for Breathing Secrets Non-profit organization. ( EIN 92-0584565 IRS 501(c)3 approval from March 2023)
LMIE Carveout: Yes, Breathing Secrets working in LMIEs and will provide services for various communities including LMIEs. Addressing racial inequity in health, we are engineering an application applicable to all regardless of financial, racial, or other social and economic obstacles to support improved health through breathing techniques reducing stress and calming the mind while promoting healthy healing and restoration by our own bodies. These techniques were from ancient times that have been lost, and now we are rekindling them through modern day applications to improve the well-being of every person on the planet through daily breathing exercises.
Team Skills: As a software engineer and a Yoga and meditation instructor, I possess expertise in technical skills and in guiding individuals through yoga postures, ancient breathing exercises, and meditation techniques that foster relaxation, mindfulness, heightened energy levels, and reduced stress. My objective is to utilize my technical skills to develop mobile technology that harmoniously merges scientific principles with spiritual practices. This technology will facilitate a profound comprehension of the mind-body connection, therapeutic methodologies, and the establishment of a secure and inclusive environment for all users of the application. Having cultivated knowledge in various yoga styles and meditation traditions, I have accumulated over five years of teaching experience, positively impacting the lives of more than 500 individuals within my local community. Additionally, I am affiliated with several fitness centers, collaborating with wellness experts, technical professionals, and mindfulness organizations to access a vast array of resources, research, and best practices. This collaboration enhances the effectiveness of our app, ensuring it caters to the diverse needs of its users, irrespective of age or specific health concerns. By utilizing our Breathing App, individuals can embark on a transformative journey towards improved well-being.
How Did You Hear About This Call: Word of mouth (e.g. conversations and emails from IOI staff, friends, colleagues, etc.) / Boca a boca (por ejemplo, conversaciones y correos electrónicos del personal del IOI, amigos, colegas, etc.)
Submission Number: 17