Parameter-Efficient Generation of Natural Language Explanations for Chest X-ray Classification

Published: 06 Jun 2024, Last Modified: 06 Jun 2024MIDL 2024 OralEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: parameter-efficient, natural language explanations, chest x-ray diagnosis
Abstract: The increased interest and importance of explaining neural networks' predictions, especially in the medical community, associated with the known unreliability of saliency maps, the most common explainability method, has sparked research into other types of explanations. Natural Language Explanations (NLEs) emerge as an alternative, with the advantage of being inherently understandable by humans and the standard way that radiologists explain their diagnoses. We extend upon previous work on NLE generation for multi-label chest X-ray diagnosis by replacing the traditional decoder-only NLE generator with an encoder-decoder architecture. This constitutes a first step towards Reinforcement Learning-free adversarial generation of NLEs when no (or few) ground-truth NLEs are available for training, since the generation is done in the continuous encoder latent space, instead of in the discrete decoder output space. However, in the current scenario, large amounts of annotated examples are still required, which are especially costly to obtain in the medical domain, given that they need to be provided by clinicians. Thus, we explore how the recent developments in Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) can be leveraged for this use-case. We compare different PEFT methods and find that integrating the visual information into the NLE generator layers instead of only at the input achieves the best results, even outperforming the fully fine-tuned encoder-decoder-based model, while only training 12\% of the model parameters. Additionally, we empirically demonstrate the viability of supervising the NLE generation process on the encoder latent space, thus laying the foundation for RL-free adversarial training in low ground-truth NLE availability regimes. The code is publicly available at
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