Suspicion Agent: Playing Imperfect Information Games with Theory of Mind Aware GPT-4

Published: 10 Jul 2024, Last Modified: 26 Aug 2024COLMEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Research Area: Inference algorithms for LMs, LMs on diverse modalities and novel applications
Keywords: Imperfect Information Games, Large Language Models, Theory of Mind
TL;DR: LLMs for imperfect information games
Abstract: Unlike perfect information games, where all elements are known to every player, imperfect information games emulate the real-world complexities of decision-making under uncertain or incomplete information. GPT-4, the recent breakthrough in large language models (LLMs) trained on massive passive data, is notable for its knowledge retrieval and reasoning abilities. This paper delves into the applicability of GPT-4's learned knowledge for imperfect information games. To achieve this, we introduce \textbf{\agentname{}}, an innovative agent that leverages GPT-4's capabilities for imperfect information games. With proper prompt engineering to achieve different functions, \agentname{} based on GPT-4 demonstrates remarkable adaptability across a range of imperfect information card games. Importantly, GPT-4 displays a strong high-order theory of mind (ToM) capacity, meaning it can understand others and intentionally impact others' behavior. Leveraging this, we design a planning strategy that enables GPT-4 to competently play against different opponents, adapting its gameplay style as needed, while requiring only the game rules and descriptions of observations as input. In the experiments, we qualitatively showcase the capabilities of \agentname{} across three different imperfect information games and then quantitatively evaluate it in Leduc Hold'em. {As an exploration study, we show that \agentname{} can potentially outperform traditional algorithms without any specialized training or examples, but still cannot beat Nash-Equilibrium algorithms}. In order to encourage and foster deeper insights within the community, we make our game-related data publicly available.
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Submission Number: 735