\texttt{FedBC}: Federated Learning Beyond Consensus

TMLR Paper1263 Authors

12 Jun 2023 (modified: 17 Sept 2024)Rejected by TMLREveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Abstract: Federated learning (FL) algorithms, such as FedAvg/FedProx, commonly rely on the consensus constraint, enforcing local models to be equal to the global model obtained through the averaging of local updates. However, in practical FL settings with heterogeneous agents, we question the necessity of enforcing consensus. We empirically observe that relaxing consensus constraint an improve both local and global performance to a certain extent. To mathematically formulate it, we replace the consensus constraint in standard FL objective with the proximity between the local and the global model controlled by a tolerance parameter $\gamma$, and propose a novel Federated Learning Beyond Consensus (\texttt{FedBC}) algorithm to solve it. Theoretically, we establish that \texttt{FedBC} converges to a first-order stationary point at rates that matches the state of the art, up to an additional error term that depends on a tolerance parameter $\gamma$. Finally, we demonstrate that \texttt{FedBC} balances the global and local model test accuracy metrics across a suite of datasets (Synthetic, MNIST, CIFAR-10, Shakespeare), achieving competitive performance with state-of-the-art.
Submission Length: Regular submission (no more than 12 pages of main content)
Assigned Action Editor: ~Lijun_Zhang1
Submission Number: 1263