Keywords: Byzantine, Robustness, Decentralized, Gossip, Averaging, SGD
Abstract: Distributed approaches have many computational benefits, but they are vulnerable to attacks from a subset of devices transmitting incorrect information. This paper investigates Byzantine-resilient algorithms in a decentralized setting, where devices communicate directly with one another.
We investigate the notion of breakdown point and show an upper bound on the number of adversaries that decentralized algorithms can tolerate. We introduce an algorithmic framework that recovers ClippedGossip and NNA, two popular approaches for robust decentralized learning, as special cases. This framework allows us to generalize NNA to sparse graph, and introduce CG+, which is at the intersection of the two. Our unified analysis framework gives near-optimal guarantees for CG+ (and other approaches with additional assumptions). Experimental evidence validates the effectiveness of CG+ and the gap with NNA, in particular against a novel attack tailored to sparse graphs that we introduce.
Primary Area: optimization
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Submission Number: 3074