Model Autophagy Analysis to Explicate Self-consumption within Human-AI Interactions

Published: 10 Jul 2024, Last Modified: 26 Aug 2024COLMEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Research Area: Societal implications, LMs and interactions
Keywords: Human-AI Interactions; Communication
TL;DR: Human-AI Interactions
Abstract: The increasing significance of large models and their multi-modal variants in societal information processing has ignited debates on social safety and ethics. However, there exists a paucity of comprehensive analysis for: (i) the interactions between human and artificial intelligence systems, and (ii) understanding and addressing the associated limitations. To bridge this gap, we present Model Autophagy Analysis for large models’ selfconsumption explanation. We employ two distinct autophagous loops (referred to as “self-consumption loops”) to elucidate the suppression of human-generated information in the exchange between human and AI systems. Through comprehensive experiments on diverse datasets, we evaluate the capacities of generated models as both creators and disseminators of information. Our key findings reveal (i) A progressive prevalence of model-generated synthetic information over time within training datasets compared to human-generated information; (ii) The discernible tendency of large models, when acting as information transmitters across multiple iterations, to selectively modify or prioritize specific contents; and (iii) The potential for a reduction in the diversity of socially or human-generated information, leading to bottlenecks in the performance enhancement of large models and confining them to local optima.
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Submission Number: 454