May the Force be with You: Unified Force-Centric Pre-Training for 3D Molecular Conformations

Published: 21 Sept 2023, Last Modified: 06 Feb 2024NeurIPS 2023 posterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Keywords: molecular pretraining, molecular representation learning
TL;DR: we propose a unified force-centric pre-training framework for 3D molecular conformations.
Abstract: Recent works have shown the promise of learning pre-trained models for 3D molecular representation. However, existing pre-training models focus predominantly on equilibrium data and largely overlook off-equilibrium conformations. It is challenging to extend these methods to off-equilibrium data because their training objective relies on assumptions of conformations being the local energy minima. We address this gap by proposing a force-centric pretraining model for 3D molecular conformations covering both equilibrium and off-equilibrium data. For off-equilibrium data, our model learns directly from their atomic forces. For equilibrium data, we introduce zero-force regularization and forced-based denoising techniques to approximate near-equilibrium forces. We obtain a unified pre-trained model for 3D molecular representation with over 15 million diverse conformations. Experiments show that, with our pre-training objective, we increase forces accuracy by around 3 times compared to the un-pre-trained Equivariant Transformer model. By incorporating regularizations on equilibrium data, we solved the problem of unstable MD simulations in vanilla Equivariant Transformers, achieving state-of-the-art simulation performance with 2.45 times faster inference time than NequIP. As a powerful molecular encoder, our pre-trained model achieves on-par performance with state-of-the-art property prediction tasks.
Supplementary Material: pdf
Submission Number: 10924