Parametrizing filters of a CNN with a GANDownload PDF

15 Feb 2018 (modified: 15 Feb 2018)ICLR 2018 Conference Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Abstract: It is commonly agreed that the use of relevant invariances as a good statistical bias is important in machine-learning. However, most approaches that explicitely incorporate invariances into a model architecture only make use of very simple transformations, such as translations and rotations. Hence, there is a need for methods to model and extract richer transformations that capture much higher-level invariances. To that end, we introduce a tool allowing to parametrize the set of filters of a trained convolutional neural network with the latent space of a generative adversarial network. We then show that the method can capture highly non-linear invariances of the data by visualizing their effect in the data space.
Keywords: invariance, cnn, gan, infogan, transformation
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