Abstract: Adversarial examples are considered a serious issue for safety critical applications of AI, such as finance, autonomous vehicle control and medicinal applications. Though significant work has resulted in increased robustness of systems to these attacks, systems are still vulnerable to well-crafted attacks. To address this problem
several adversarial attack detection methods have been proposed. However, system can still be vulnerable to adversarial samples that are designed to specifically evade these detection methods. One recent detection scheme that has shown good performance is based on uncertainty estimates derived from Monte-Carlo dropout ensembles. Prior Networks, a new method of estimating predictive uncertainty, have been shown to outperform Monte-Carlo dropout on a range of tasks. One of the advantages of this approach is that the behaviour of a Prior Network can be explicitly tuned to, for example, predict high uncertainty in regions where there are no training data samples. In this work Prior Networks are applied to adversarial attack detection using measures of uncertainty in a similar fashion to Monte-Carlo Dropout. Detection based on measures of uncertainty derived from DNNs and Monte-Carlo dropout ensembles are used as a baseline. Prior Networks are shown to significantly out-perform these baseline approaches over a range of adversarial attacks in both detection of whitebox and blackbox configurations. Even when the adversarial attacks are constructed with full knowledge of the detection mechanism, it is shown to be highly challenging to successfully generate an adversarial sample.
Keywords: Uncertainty, Prior Networks, Adversarial Attacks, Detection
TL;DR: We show that it is possible to successfully detect a range of adversarial attacks using measures of uncertainty derived from Prior Networks.
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