Abstract: We give a new algorithm for learning a two-layer neural network under a very general class of input distributions. Assuming there is a ground-truth two-layer network
y = A \sigma(Wx) + \xi,
where A, W are weight matrices, \xi represents noise, and the number of neurons in the hidden layer is no larger than the input or output, our algorithm is guaranteed to recover the parameters A, W of the ground-truth network. The only requirement on the input x is that it is symmetric, which still allows highly complicated and structured input.
Our algorithm is based on the method-of-moments framework and extends several results in tensor decompositions. We use spectral algorithms to avoid the complicated non-convex optimization in learning neural networks. Experiments show that our algorithm can robustly learn the ground-truth neural network with a small number of samples for many symmetric input distributions.
Keywords: Neural Network, Optimization, Symmetric Inputs, Moment-of-moments
TL;DR: We give an algorithm for learning a two-layer neural network with symmetric input distribution.
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