Controllable Multi-attribute Dialog Generation with PALs and Grounding KnowledgeDownload PDF


16 Feb 2022 (modified: 05 May 2023)ACL ARR 2022 February Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Abstract: Today, neural language models are commonly employed for generation of natural like responses in dialogue system. The main issue that limits wide adoption of neural generation is related to poor predictability of responses in terms of a content, as well as dialogue attributes such as dialog acts and sentiment.In this paper we propose a method based on projected attention layers (PALs) for controllable multi-attribute knowledge grounded dialogue generation. We compared a number of methods for training and blending representations produced by PALs combined with Dialo-GPT base model. Results of our experiments demonstrate that separate pre-training of PAL branches for different attributes followed by transfer and fine-tuning of dense blending layer gives the highest accuracy of control of a generated response for less numbers of trainable parameters per an attribute. Furthermore, we applied our approach for controllable multi-attribute generation with grounding knowledge to Blenderbot model. Our solution outperforms the baseline Blenderbot and CRAYON model in control accuracy of dialog acts and sentiment on Daily Dialog as well demonstrates a comparable overall quality of dialogue generation given grounding knowledge on Wizard of Wikipedia.
Paper Type: short
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