Amodal Instance Segmentation With KINS Dataset.Download PDFOpen Website

2019 (modified: 10 Nov 2022)CVPR2019Readers: Everyone
Abstract: Amodal instance segmentation, a new direction of instance segmentation, aims to segment each object instance involving its invisible, occluded parts to imitate human ability. This task requires to reason objects' complex structure. Despite important and futuristic, this task lacks data with large-scale and detailed annotations, due to the difficulty of correctly and consistently labeling invisible parts, which creates the huge barrier to explore the frontier of visual recognition. In this paper, we augment KITTI with more instance pixel-level annotation for 8 categories, which we call KITTI INStance dataset (KINS). We propose the network structure to reason invisible parts via a new multi-task framework with Multi-View Coding (MVC), which combines information in various recognition levels. Extensive experiments show that our MVC effectively improves both amodal and inmodal segmentation. The KINS dataset and our proposed method will be made publicly available.
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