Abstract: Recent work has shown that performing inference with fast, very-low-bitwidth
(e.g., 1 to 2 bits) representations of values in models can yield surprisingly accurate
results. However, although 2-bit approximated networks have been shown to
be quite accurate, 1 bit approximations, which are twice as fast, have restrictively
low accuracy. We propose a method to train models whose weights are a mixture
of bitwidths, that allows us to more finely tune the accuracy/speed trade-off. We
present the “middle-out” criterion for determining the bitwidth for each value, and
show how to integrate it into training models with a desired mixture of bitwidths.
We evaluate several architectures and binarization techniques on the ImageNet
dataset. We show that our heterogeneous bitwidth approximation achieves superlinear
scaling of accuracy with bitwidth. Using an average of only 1.4 bits, we are
able to outperform state-of-the-art 2-bit architectures.
TL;DR: We introduce fractional bitwidth approximation and show it has significant advantages.
Keywords: Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Approximation
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