Abstract: Though deep neural networks have achieved the state of the art performance in visual classification, recent studies have shown that they are all vulnerable to the attack of adversarial examples. To solve the problem, some regularization adversarial training methods, constraining the output label or logit, have been studied. In this paper, we propose a novel regularized adversarial training framework ATLPA,namely Adversarial Tolerant Logit Pairing with Attention. Instead of constraining a hard distribution (e.g., one-hot vectors or logit) in adversarial training, ATLPA uses Tolerant Logit which consists of confidence distribution on top-k classes and captures inter-class similarities at the image level. Specifically, in addition to minimizing the empirical loss, ATLPA encourages attention map for pairs of examples to be similar. When applied to clean examples and their adversarial counterparts, ATLPA improves accuracy on adversarial examples over adversarial training. We evaluate ATLPA with the state of the art algorithms, the experiment results show that our method outperforms these baselines with higher accuracy. Compared with previous work, our work is evaluated under highly challenging PGD attack: the maximum perturbation $\epsilon$ is 64 and 128 with 10 to 200 attack iterations.
Keywords: adversarial examples, adversarial training, computer vision
TL;DR: In this paper, we propose a novel regularized adversarial training framework ATLPA,namely Adversarial Tolerant Logit Pairing with Attention.
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