Modelling regional wind states from anemometric dataDownload PDF

30 Jul 2019 (modified: 05 May 2023)RIIAA 2019 Conference SubmissionReaders: Everyone
TL;DR: Methodology to model regional wind as a complex network using real data
Keywords: Wind dynamics, complex networks, wind prediction
Abstract: The wind is a complex system hard to predict and understand his dynamic. However, the possibility to predict wind dynamics in regions could have an impact on several issues such as wind energy, pollution transport and meteorologic predictions. In this study is developed a methodology to describe the wind dynamic in the base of real data and it is used in four anemometric stations placed in Zacatecas. The methodology tries to extract the physics of the real data in the concept of wind states and model the data as a network, defining regional wind states. These regional wind states describe the dynamic of the regional wind in an empirical approach and could be used to wind prediction for several applications.
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