MAGAN: Aligning Biological ManifoldsDownload PDF

12 Feb 2018 (modified: 05 May 2023)ICLR 2018 Workshop SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Abstract: It is increasingly common in many types of natural and physical systems (especially biological systems) to have different types of measurements performed on the same underlying system. In such settings, it is important to align the manifolds arising from each measurement in order to integrate such data and gain an improved picture of the system. We tackle this problem using generative adversarial networks (GANs). Recently, GANs have been utilized to try to find correspondences between sets of samples. However, these GANs are not explicitly designed for proper alignment of manifolds. We present a new GAN called the Manifold-Aligning GAN (MAGAN) that aligns two manifolds such that related points in each measurement space are aligned together. We demonstrate applications of MAGAN in single-cell biology in integrating two different measurement types together. In our demonstrated examples, cells from the same tissue are measured with both genomic (single-cell RNA-sequencing) and proteomic (mass cytometry) technologies. We show that the MAGAN successfully aligns them such that known correlations between measured markers are improved compared to other recently proposed models.
Keywords: GAN, Generative Models, Cross Domain Mapping, Unsupervised, Computational Biology
TL;DR: MAGAN finds more corresponding points in each domain better than previous cross-domain mapping GANs
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