Abstract: There are time series that are amenable to recurrent neural network (RNN) solutions when treated as sequences, but some series, e.g. asynchronous time series, provide a richer variation of feature types than current RNN cells take into account. In order to address such situations, we introduce a unified RNN that handles five different feature types, each in a different manner. Our RNN framework separates sequential features into two groups dependent on their frequency, which we call sparse and dense features, and which affect cell updates differently. Further, we also incorporate time features at the sequential level that relate to the time between specified events in the sequence and are used to modify the cell's memory state. We also include two types of static (whole sequence level) features, one related to time and one not, which are combined with the encoder output. The experiments show that the proposed modeling framework does increase performance compared to standard cells.
Keywords: sparse, recurrent, asynchronous, time, series
TL;DR: We introduce a unified RNN that handles five different feature types, each in a different manner.
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