Generalized Natural Language Grounded Navigation via Environment-agnostic Multitask LearningDownload PDF

25 Sept 2019 (modified: 05 May 2023)ICLR 2020 Conference Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Keywords: Natural Language Grounded Navigation, Multitask Learning, Agnostic Learning
TL;DR: We propose to learn a more generalized policy for natural language grounded navigation tasks via environment-agnostic multitask learning.
Abstract: Recent research efforts enable study for natural language grounded navigation in photo-realistic environments, e.g., following natural language instructions or dialog. However, existing methods tend to overfit training data in seen environments and fail to generalize well in previously unseen environments. In order to close the gap between seen and unseen environments, we aim at learning a generalizable navigation model from two novel perspectives: (1) we introduce a multitask navigation model that can be seamlessly trained on both Vision-Language Navigation (VLN) and Navigation from Dialog History (NDH) tasks, which benefits from richer natural language guidance and effectively transfers knowledge across tasks; (2) we propose to learn environment-agnostic representations for navigation policy that are invariant among environments, thus generalizing better on unseen environments. Extensive experiments show that our environment-agnostic multitask navigation model significantly reduces the performance gap between seen and unseen environments and outperforms the baselines on unseen environments by 16% (relative measure on success rate) on VLN and 120% (goal progress) on NDH, establishing the new state of the art for NDH task.
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