Provable Memorization via Deep Neural Networks using Sub-linear ParametersDownload PDF

28 Sept 2020 (modified: 05 May 2023)ICLR 2021 Conference Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Keywords: memorization
Abstract: It is known that $\Theta(N)$ parameters are sufficient for neural networks to memorize arbitrary $N$ input-label pairs. By exploiting depth, we show that $\Theta(N^{2/3})$ parameters suffice to memorize $N$ pairs, under a mild condition on the separation of input points. In particular, deeper networks (even with width $3$) are shown to memorize more pairs than shallow networks, which also agrees with the recent line of works on the benefits of depth for function approximation. We also provide empirical results that support our theoretical findings.
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One-sentence Summary: Neural networks with o(N) parameters can memorize arbitrary N samples under some mild condition.
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