Digitisation and Digital Library Presentation System – Sheet Music to the MixDownload PDF

24 Jul 2018 (modified: 05 May 2023)ISMIR 2018 WoRMS SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Abstract: The National Library of Finland (NLF) has done long-term work to digitise and make available our unique collections. The digitisation policy defines what is to be digitised, and it aims not only to target both rare and unique materials but also to create a large corpus of certain material types. However, as digitisation resources are scarce, the digitisation priorisation is done annually. This involves the library juggling the individual researcher needs with its own legal preservation and availability goals. The digital presentation system at digi.nationallibrary.fi enables fast operation by being close by to the digitisation process to enable a streamlined flow of material from production to the end users. In this paper, we will describe our digitisation process and its cost-effective improvements, which have been recently applied at the NLF. In addition, we present the enrichment phase of digitisation, which could be applicable with processing of musical sheets.
Keywords: digitisation process, digital presentation system, research and development projects, open data
TL;DR: Adding music sheets to digital library presentation system requires planning on how to integrate it to digital chain and new tasks to the digitisation post-processing in order to get musical documents to use in the presentation system.🎵
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