VIVO/Vitro as a platform for joint curation of a cultural heritage encyclopediaOpen Website

Published: 05 Jun 2019, Last Modified: 05 May 2023VIVO 2019Readers: Everyone
Keywords: linked data, cultural heritage, history, registry
TL;DR: How we used VIVO/Vitro to create a registry or encyclopedia for cultural heritage and recent history
Abstract: The EU funded COURAGE project collected the methods and memories for cultural opposition in the socialist era (cc. 1950-1990), and built a registry for preserving data about culture as a form of opposition. The outcomes of the project include learning material, online exhibition, a public browseable interface and an open SPARQL endpoint. The heart of the software environment is a Vitro instance, which provides easily re-usable and connected data for the specific extensions implementing the virtual exhibition, the learning platform and other satellite services. Data was input and curated by historians, social scientists and other researchers from humanities. The Vitro code base had to be extended and sometimes overriden to comply with the requirements of the project. For example, editing rights had to be granted based on the edited data context, and a workflow for quality management had to be added to the system. The analysis of collected data has been helped by various statistical pages using SPARQL queries. Although the project has ended, we are still catching up with ideas to connect our registry with more and more services in the field.
Submission Type: presentation proposal
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