From Parse-Execute to Parse-Execute-Refine: Improving Semantic Parser for Complex Question Answering over Knowledge Base

Published: 07 Oct 2023, Last Modified: 01 Dec 2023EMNLP 2023 MainEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Submission Type: Regular Long Paper
Submission Track: Question Answering
Keywords: KBQA, Logical Form, BART
Abstract: Parsing questions into executable logical forms has showed impressive results for knowledge-base question answering (KBQA). However, complex KBQA is a more challenging task that requires to perform complex multi-step reasoning. Recently, a new semantic parser called KoPL has been proposed to explicitly model the reasoning processes, which achieved the state-of-the-art on complex KBQA. In this paper, we further explore how to unlock the reasoning ability of semantic parsers by a simple proposed parse-execute-refine paradigm. We refine and improve the KoPL parser by demonstrating the executed intermediate reasoning steps to the KBQA model. We show that such simple strategy can significantly improve the ability of complex reasoning. Specifically, we propose three components: a parsing stage, an execution stage and a refinement stage, to enhance the ability of complex reasoning. The parser uses the KoPL to generate the transparent logical forms. Then, the execution stage aligns and executes the logical forms over knowledge base to obtain intermediate reasoning processes. Finally, the intermediate step-by-step reasoning processes are demonstrated to the KBQA model in the refinement stage. With the explicit reasoning processes, it is much easier to answer the complex questions. Experiments on benchmark dataset shows that the proposed PER-KBQA performs significantly better than the stage-of-the-art baselines on the complex KBQA.
Submission Number: 3340