VIVO and ORCID: to authentication and beyond

15 May 2020 (modified: 05 May 2023)VIVO2020 aslightningtalkReaders: Everyone
Keywords: VIVO, ORCID, Integrations, Plans
TL;DR: Lightning Talk about ORCID and VIVO
Abstract: As an open-source, community-driven software for research information management, VIVO is used by numerous institutions to represent researchers and their works and contributions, making it a perfect platform for ORCID integration. ORCID (Open Research and Contributor iD), which is also community-driven, guarantees the researchers persistent identification and connects them with their production and activities. From the VIVO ontology perspective, the ORCID iD of a person is represented as an entity, where the URI is the iD of the person. This relation is established by the predicate “vivo:orcidId”. From an integration perspective, VIVO users can enable ORCID authentication, via Public or Member ORCID API, to collect validated ORCID iD. This procedure ensures a connection with the correct ORCID iD for the researcher while respecting their privacy and consent. When the researcher authorizes the connection, their ORCID iD will not only appear on their VIVO profile, but a link to their VIVO profile will appear on their ORCID iD record. In addition to this functionality, it is also possible for ORCID member institutions to further develop VIVO to pull data in from ORCID to VIVO, and also to write data from VIVO to ORCID. Institutions such as the University of Wollongong (Australia) are already exporting data into ORCID records using the Member API, and institutions such as the German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB Hannover) are using the Public API to integrate their system and display the iDs.
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