Learning Causal Discovery

TMLR Paper755 Authors

06 Jan 2023 (modified: 19 Apr 2023)Rejected by TMLREveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Abstract: Causal discovery (CD) from time-varying data is important in neuroscience, medicine, and machine learning. Techniques for CD include randomized experiments which are generally unbiased but expensive. It also includes algorithms like regression, matching, and Granger causality, which are only correct under strong assumptions made by human designers. However, as we found in other areas of machine learning, humans are usually not quite right and human expertise is usually outperformed by data-driven approaches. Here we test if we can improve causal discovery in a data-driven way. We take a perturbable system with a large number of causal components (transistors), the MOS 6502 processor, acquire the causal ground truth, and learn the causal discovery procedure represented as a neural network. We find that this procedure far outperforms human-designed causal discovery procedures, such as Mutual Information, LiNGAM, and Granger Causality both on MOS 6502 processor and the NetSim dataset which simulates functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) results. We argue that the causality field should consider, where possible, a supervised approach, where CD procedures are learned from large datasets with known causal relations instead of being designed by a human specialist. Our findings promise a new approach toward improving CD in neural and medical data and for the broader machine learning community.
Submission Length: Long submission (more than 12 pages of main content)
Previous TMLR Submission Url: https://openreview.net/forum?id=ghCCO1uGTc
Changes Since Last Submission: Adjusted some optional sections
Assigned Action Editor: ~Bertrand_Thirion1
Submission Number: 755