OfficeBench: Benchmarking Language Agents across Multiple Applications for Office Automation

ACL ARR 2024 June Submission4528 Authors

16 Jun 2024 (modified: 02 Jul 2024)ACL ARR 2024 June SubmissionEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Abstract: Office automation significantly enhances human productivity by automatically finishing routine tasks in the workflow. Beyond the basic information extraction studied in much of the prior document AI literature, the office automation research should be extended to more realistic office tasks which require to integrate various information sources in the office system and produce outputs through a series of decision-making processes. We introduce OfficeBench, one of the first office automation benchmarks for evaluating current LLM agents' capability to address the office tasks in realistic office workflows. OfficeBench requires LLM agents to perform feasible long-horizon planning, proficiently switch between applications in a timely manner, and accurately ground their actions within a large combined action space, based on the contextual demands of the workflow. Applying our customized evaluation methods on each task, we find that GPT-4 Omni achieves the highest pass rate of 47.00%, demonstrating a decent performance in handling office tasks. However, this is still far below the human performance and accuracy standards required by real-world office workflows. We further observe that most issues are related to operation redundancy and hallucinations, as well as limitations in switching between multiple applications, which may provide valuable insights for developing effective agent frameworks for office automation. Code and data will be released upon acceptance.
Paper Type: Long
Research Area: Resources and Evaluation
Research Area Keywords: benchmarking, NLP datasets, automatic creation and evaluation of language resources, evaluation
Languages Studied: English
Submission Number: 4528