Communication-Efficient Federated Hypergradient Computation via Aggregated Iterative Differentiation
Abstract: Federated bilevel optimization has attracted increasing attention due to emerging machine learning and communication applications. The biggest challenge lies in computing the gradient of the upper-level objective function (i.e., hypergradient) in the federated setting due to the nonlinear and distributed construction of a series of global Hessian matrices. In this paper, we propose a novel communication-efficient federated hypergradient estimator via aggregated iterative differentiation (AggITD). AggITD is simple to implement and significantly reduces the communication cost by conducting the federated hypergradient estimation and the lower-level optimization simultaneously. We show that the proposed AggITD-based algorithm achieves the same sample complexity as existing approximate implicit differentiation (AID)-based approaches with much fewer communication rounds in the presence of data heterogeneity. Our results also shed light on the great advantage of ITD over AID in the federated/distributed hypergradient estimation. This differs from the comparison in the non-distributed bilevel optimization, where ITD is less efficient than AID. Our extensive experiments demonstrate the great effectiveness and communication efficiency of the proposed method.
Submission Number: 3505