Abstract: Deep Graph Networks (DGNs) currently dominate the research landscape of learning from graphs, due to their efficiency and ability to implement an adaptive message-passing scheme between the nodes. However, DGNs are typically limited in their ability to propagate and preserve long-term dependencies between nodes, i.e., they suffer from the over-squashing phenomena. As a result,
we can expect them to under-perform, since different problems require to capture interactions at different (and possibly large) radii in order to be effectively solved. In this work, we present Anti-Symmetric Deep Graph Networks (A-DGNs), a framework for stable and non-dissipative DGN design, conceived through the lens of ordinary differential equations. We give theoretical proof that our method is stable and non-dissipative, leading to two key results: long-range information between nodes is preserved, and no gradient vanishing or explosion occurs in training. We empirically validate the proposed approach on several graph benchmarks, showing that A-DGN yields to improved performance and enables to learn effectively even when dozens of layers are used.
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Submission Guidelines: Yes
Please Choose The Closest Area That Your Submission Falls Into: Deep Learning and representational learning
Community Implementations: [ 1 code implementation](https://www.catalyzex.com/paper/anti-symmetric-dgn-a-stable-architecture-for/code)
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