Abstract: The issue of missing data in supervised learning has been largely overlooked, especially in the deep learning community. We investigate strategies to adapt neural architectures for handling missing values. Here, we focus on regression and classification problems where the features are assumed to be missing at random. Of particular interest are schemes that allow reusing as-is a neural discriminative architecture. To address supervised deep learning with missing values, we propose to marginalize over missing values in a joint model of covariates and outcomes. Thereby, we leverage both the flexibility of deep generative models to describe the distribution of the covariates and the power of purely discriminative models to make predictions. More precisely, a deep latent variable model can be learned jointly with the discriminative model, using importance-weighted variational inference, essentially using importance sampling to mimick averaging over multiple imputations. In low-capacity regimes, or when the discriminative model has a strong inductive bias, we find that our hybrid generative/discriminative approach generally outperforms single imputations methods.
One-sentence Summary: Marginalize over missing values in supervised learning using deep latent variable models.
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