Structural Landmarking and Interaction Modelling: on Resolution Dilemmas in Graph ClassificationDownload PDF

28 Sept 2020 (modified: 05 May 2023)ICLR 2021 Conference Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Keywords: Graph Pooling, Graph Classiciation, Interaction Preserving Graph Pooling, Structure Landmarking
Abstract: Graph neural networks are promising architecture for learning and inference with graph-structured data. However, generating informative graph level features has long been a challenge. Current practice of graph-pooling typically summarizes a graph by squeezing it into a single vector. This may lead to significant loss of predictive, iterpretable structural information, because properties of a complex system are believed to arise largely from the interaction among its components. In this paper, we analyze the intrinsic difficulty in graph classification under the unified concept of ``"resolution dilemmas" and propose `SLIM, an inductive neural network model for Structural Landmarking and Interaction Modelling, to remedy the information loss in graph pooling. We show that, by projecting graphs onto end-to-end optimizable, and well-aligned substructure landmarks (representatives), the resolution dilemmas can be resolved effectively, so that explicit interacting relation between component parts of a graph can be leveraged directly in explaining its complexity and predicting its property. Empirical evaluations, in comparison with state-of-the-art, demonstrate promising results of our approach on a number of benchmark datasets for graph classification.
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One-sentence Summary: A new framework for graph pooling that allows explicit modelling of graph substructures and their interacting relations.
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