Koopman-based generalization bound: New aspect for full-rank weights

Published: 16 Jan 2024, Last Modified: 12 Mar 2024ICLR 2024 posterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
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Keywords: generalization bound, full-rank weight matrix, Koopman operator
Submission Guidelines: I certify that this submission complies with the submission instructions as described on https://iclr.cc/Conferences/2024/AuthorGuide.
TL;DR: We propose a new bound for generalization of neural networks, which sheds light on a new perspective regarding full-rank weight matrices and provides a connection between operator-theoretic analysis and generalization of neural networks.
Abstract: We propose a new bound for generalization of neural networks using Koopman operators. Whereas most of existing works focus on low-rank weight matrices, we focus on full-rank weight matrices. Our bound is tighter than existing norm-based bounds when the condition numbers of weight matrices are small. Especially, it is completely independent of the width of the network if the weight matrices are orthogonal. Our bound does not contradict to the existing bounds but is a complement to the existing bounds. As supported by several existing empirical results, low-rankness is not the only reason for generalization. Furthermore, our bound can be combined with the existing bounds to obtain a tighter bound. Our result sheds new light on understanding generalization of neural networks with full-rank weight matrices, and it provides a connection between operator-theoretic analysis and generalization of neural networks.
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No Acknowledgement Section: I certify that there is no acknowledgement section in this submission for double blind review.
Primary Area: learning theory
Submission Number: 165