Adaptive Multilevel Neural Networks for Parametric PDEs with Error Estimation

Published: 03 Mar 2024, Last Modified: 30 Apr 2024AI4DiffEqtnsInSci @ ICLR 2024 PosterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: parametric PDEs, neural networks, multilevel, a posteriori error estimation, residual error estimation, adaptive finite element method
TL;DR: We propose a CNN architecture to solve parametric PDEs based on an adaptive FE method incorporating a multilevel discretization of the solutions.
Abstract: To solve high-dimensional parameter-dependent partial differential equations (pPDEs), a neural network architecture is presented. It is constructed to map parameters of the model data to corresponding finite element solutions. To improve training efficiency and to enable control of the approximation error, the network mimics an adaptive finite element method (AFEM). It outputs a coarse grid solution and a series of corrections as produced in an AFEM, allowing a tracking of the error decay over successive layers of the network. The observed errors are measured by a reliable residual based a posteriori error estimator, enabling the reduction to only few parameters for the approximation in the output of the network. This leads to a problem adapted representation of the solution on locally refined grids. Furthermore, each solution of the AFEM is discretized in a hierarchical basis. For the architecture, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are chosen. The hierarchical basis then allows to handle sparse images for finely discretized meshes. Additionally, as corrections on finer levels decrease in amplitude, i.e., importance for the overall approximation, the accuracy of the network approximation is allowed to decrease successively. This can either be incorporated in the number of generated high fidelity samples used for training or the size of the network components responsible for the fine grid outputs. The architecture is described and preliminary numerical examples are presented.
Submission Number: 59