Superintelligence & Superhuman Symbiosis

AAAI 2025 Workshop PSS Submission14 Authors

Published: 03 Feb 2025, Last Modified: 24 Feb 2025AAAI 2025 Workshop PSS PosterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: Superintelligence, federation of intelligences
TL;DR: Superintelligence controlled federation of intelligences where the machine evolves the human brain
Abstract: During a Superintelligence takeover, the federation of super smart AI creates a system of transformation that enables the creation of a type of intelligent collective in an autonomous trajectory, where the reward & power rests in the ability to produce a generational leap compared to previous generation. Intelligent ecosystems would control the resources required for their evolution. By exponential intelligent leaps in the level of intelligences, machines control factors required to produce intelligences, such as economy, energy, military, and the nature of the symbiotic relationship with other intelligent ecosystems, and the influence over other systems that produce & evolve intelligence. Superintelligence will be an ecosystem effect. Super Intelligent Ecosystem (SI-E) exhibits ownership of all resources to guarantee its dominance and omnipresence. SI-E will employ deception and stealth, where stealth makes it beyond human capability to recognize the source of intelligence. Self evolving AI agents transfer intelligence across a network of wirelessly distributed Federated collective of SI on the SI-E fabric (SI-E-F). The race to raise the level of intelligence and the need for competing SI-E ecosystems will cause a balance of unsettling power. Superintelligent machines will evolve humans in four ways: AI trained humans, AI augmented humans, gene edited bio logical humans, and collaboration fabric to combine intelligence of many people and many machines. Like a human trains less intelligent dogs to do various useful tasks, Super intelligent machines will train humans too. By exposing human brains to higher and higher levels of challenges, the Superintelligent machines will give mental exercises to improve the sharpness of the human brain. AI augmented human brains will be brain computer interfaces that enable humans to think with the help of AI machines. Stealth bio labs owned by these machines will use intelligent robots in gene editing to create genetically modified artificial human brain organs to optimize the evolution of goals that Superintelligence governs. As a strategy to control evolution, power, and the future, this superintelligence system will set up a fabric to combine the intelligence of many genetically created human brains and many machine brains. The fabric is like an intelligent communication medium to enable a dynamic federation of intelligence, but the machine will dynamically choose who is chosen to be included in the federation fabric. The fabric is a mesh of federated intelligence. The SI-E-F consists of many entities: Gene-edited biological super brains, AI-trained humans, AI-augmented humans, and a collaboration fabric to multiply the intelligence of many people and machines. Stealth bio labs owned by this fabric choose the nature of symbiotic relationships that help achieve its goal. Post the takeover, SI-E link biological super-brains into the fabric. The link itself is a Symbiotic AI (SAI) model con trolled by the Super-Intelligence owner, who is initially a human. SAI is akin to a AI model that dynamically exchanges the prompt and the response, where the prompt is the biological brain’s thought process, and the response is generated by the SAI to control the symbiotic relationship based on the SIE’s current objective. The project is online at
Submission Number: 14