GLASU: A Communication-Efficient Algorithm for Federated Learning with Vertically Distributed Graph Data
Abstract: Vertical federated learning (VFL) is a distributed learning paradigm, where computing clients collectively train a model based on the partial features of the same set of samples they possess. Current research on VFL focuses on the case when samples are independent, but it rarely addresses an emerging scenario when samples are interrelated through a graph. In this work, we train a graph neural network (GNN) through VFL, where each client owns a part of the node features and a different edge set. This data scenario incurs a significant communication overhead, not only because of the handling of distributed features but also due to neighborhood aggregation in a GNN. Moreover, the training analysis is faced with a challenge caused by the biased stochastic gradients. We propose a model-splitting method that splits a backbone GNN across the clients and the server and a communication-efficient algorithm, GLASU, to train such a model. GLASU adopts lazy aggregation and stale updates to skip communication in neighborhood aggregation and in model updates, respectively, greatly reducing communication while enjoying convergence guarantees. We conduct extensive numerical experiments on real-world datasets, showing that GLASU effectively trains a GNN that matches the accuracy of centralized training, while using only a fraction of the time due to communication saving.
Submission Length: Regular submission (no more than 12 pages of main content)
Assigned Action Editor: ~Changyou_Chen1
Submission Number: 1912