Envisioning NLP for intercultural climate communication

Published: 18 Jun 2024, Last Modified: 02 Jul 2024ClimateNLP 2024EveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: First Nations; oral culture; climate consultations; multilingualism
TL;DR: A case study of climate communication in an Australian Aboriginal community, with implications for NLP applied in intercultural spaces
Abstract: Climate communication is often seen by the NLP community as an opportunity for machine translation, applied to ever smaller languages. However, over 90% the world's linguistic diversity comes from languages with `primary orality' and mostly spoken in non-Western oral societies. A case in point is the Aboriginal communities of Northern Australia, where we have been conducting workshops on climate communication, revealing shortcomings in existing communication practices along with new opportunities for improving intercultural communication. We present a case study of climate communication in an oral society, including the voices of many local people, and draw several lessons for the research program of NLP in the climate space.
Archival Submission: arxival
Arxival Submission: arxival
Submission Number: 11