Deep Speech Synthesis from Articulatory FeaturesDownload PDF


16 Jan 2022 (modified: 05 May 2023)ACL ARR 2022 January Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Abstract: In the articulatory synthesis task, speech is synthesized from input features containing information about the physical behavior of the human vocal tract. This task provides a promising direction for speech synthesis research, as the articulatory space is compact, smooth, and interpretable. Current works have highlighted the potential for deep learning models to perform articulatory synthesis. However, it remains unclear whether these models can achieve the efficiency and fidelity of the human speech production system. To help bridge this gap, we propose a time-domain articulatory synthesis methodology and demonstrate its efficacy with both electromagnetic articulography (EMA) and synthetic articulatory feature inputs. Our model is both computationally efficient and highly intelligible, achieving a transcription word error rate (WER) of 7.14\% for the EMA-to-speech task. Through interpolation experiments, we also highlight the generalizability and interpretability of our approach.
Paper Type: long
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