Arbitrary-Depth Universal Approximation Theorems for Operator Neural NetworksDownload PDF

29 Sept 2021 (modified: 13 Feb 2023)ICLR 2022 Conference Withdrawn SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Keywords: operator neural networks, universal approximation theorems, deep learning, truncation
Abstract: The standard Universal Approximation Theorem for operator neural networks (NNs) holds for arbitrary width and bounded depth. Here, we prove that operator NNs of bounded width and arbitrary depth are universal approximators for continuous nonlinear operators. In our main result, we prove that for non-polynomial activation functions that are continuously differentiable at a point with a nonzero derivative, one can construct an operator NN of width five, whose inputs are real numbers with finite decimal representations, that is arbitrarily close to any given continuous nonlinear operator. We derive an analogous result for non-affine polynomial activation functions. We also show that depth has theoretical advantages by constructing operator ReLU NNs of depth $2k^3+8$ and constant width that cannot be well-approximated by any operator ReLU NN of depth $k$, unless its width is exponential in $k$.
One-sentence Summary: We prove universal approximation theorems for deep, narrow operator neural networks.
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